Annual Report 2012
Chairman's Message




Dear Shareholders,

2012 was by all accounts challenging for exchanges across the world. Global financial uncertainties led to a lacklustre securities market which in turn impacted performance. Amid this bearish scenario, however, Bursa Malaysia rose from relative anonymity to be placed squarely in the global investing community's spotlight during the year.

We hosted three of the world's largest IPOs and became the fourth largest IPO destination by country. The FBM KLCI achieved an all-time high in July and repeatedly broke its own record until year end. Financially, while revenues dropped at most exchanges, our operating revenue increased by 2% and net profit increased by 4%. Our performance was certainly one of the best in the region.

Tun Mohamed Dzaiddin bin Haji Abdullah
Online trading has created greater competition among bourses. In the region, the setting up of the ASEAN Exchanges facilitates the freer flow of capital across borders. Rather than be daunted by these changes, however, we embrace the opportunities they present to further grow our marketplace. In particular, we plan to leverage on the ASEAN Trading Link to attract more retail investors to Bursa Malaysia. Our aim is to transform into ASEAN's multinational marketplace by being not only the preferred entry point for regional traders but also the preferred listing destination among issuers.

Our mission is encouraged by the regional successes of a number of homegrown companies, which serve as ideal vehicles to spread foreign capital throughout ASEAN. We further believe that the international community will find our regulatory environment increasingly more inclusive. The Malaysian Government has identified the capital market as one of the key drivers of the Economic Transformation Programme and is committed to boosting it via enhanced capital structures.

Bursa Malaysia also stands to benefit from our corporate governance (CG) scorecard, which is one of the best in the region, and which we keep enhancing. This year, we aligned our Listing Requirements with the Corporate Governance Blueprint 2011 and the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance 2012. Our efforts in this regard have paid off; Malaysia's ranking in the Asian Corporate Governance Association (ACGA) 2012 Report improved from 6th (in 2010) to 4th out of 11 Asian nations. The World Bank, meanwhile, places us 4th among 183 countries for investor protection.

Bursa Malaysia's success hinges to a large extent on Malaysian companies' success. We are pleased therefore to see more large-cap Malaysian companies emerge on widely-tracked indices such as the MSCI. Although this meant our own exclusion from the index this year, hence a drop in our share price, rest assured that the move is not indicative of a weakening in our fundamentals. If anything, we are stronger now than ever before.

Our corporate strength is reflected in our dividends. Even in these trying times, we have been able to declare a final dividend of 13.5 sen, adding to an interim dividend of the same amount. When we were listed in 2005, we committed to a payout of more than 75% of our profit. We have consistently surpassed this by a wide margin; paying out over 90% since being listed.

While we achieved much to be proud of in 2012, we will now step up our game even further to meet the challenges of liberalisation and globalisation. We remain optimistic of our future, guided as we are by our Strategic Intents to increase the vibrancy of our exchange. We also look forward to greater regulatory enhancements to the business environment and an increase in our market liquidity.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our shareholders for their continuing support. I would also like to express my appreciation to fellow Directors of the Board for guiding the Exchange during these challenging yet exciting times. Finally, a big thank you is due to the entire team at Bursa Malaysia for its commitment and hard work, without which we would not have achieved the spectacular successes that we did this year.

My wish is to see all parties continue to collaborate and cooperate for, together, we can build on the foundations that have been laid and firmly establish Malaysia as the destination to access ASEAN's multinational marketplace.
Tun Mohamed Dzaiddin bin Haji Abdullah