Annual Report 2012
Chief Executive Officer's Message





While Bursa Malaysia was placed in the global spotlight with the unfolding of three of the world's biggest IPOs, our real deliveries in 2012 ran far deeper, and were less discernible to the outsider's eye. The year was exciting for the main reason that we successfully implemented numerous projects and initiatives that have strengthened Bursa Malaysia at a fundamental level. Yet, like all far-reaching changes, these have gestation periods and their full effects will materialise only in the years to come. So, just as 2012 was a year in which we made a mark internationally, internally we feel confident of being in a better shape to capitalise on future opportunities.

Dato' Tajuddin Bin Atan
Chief Executive Officer

"The fact is, the industry is changing in unprecedented ways and has now entered a 'New Norm'. Trading is becoming increasingly borderless as markets liberalise, while an increasing number of companies, Malaysian organisations included, are going multinational. To establish a strong presence in this highly competitive environment, we are revitalising our systems and processes to create a more facilitative exchange, and are bringing in more talent with the right skill sets to tap into current and future opportunities. Meanwhile, we continue to engage actively with our various stakeholders to ensure a fair and orderly market.

Despite a challenging global economy, ASEAN markets in general were robust, boosted by strong internal demand. As the three mega IPOs indicate, our top PLCs were able to shine in a domestic environment that stood to benefit from initiatives such as the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) and Economic Transformation Programme (ETP). Given their performance, our market capitalisation grew 14% to reach RM1.47 trillion, a new record. On the derivatives front, too, we achieved a new record in terms of open interest for all products.

In short, I am pleased with the progress we made during the year. Not only have we put in place the building blocks to leverage on growth of the ASEAN marketplace, but we have also produced commendable financial results, which I have great pleasure in sharing with you."


Bursa Malaysia pulled in a positive performance for the financial year ended 31 December 2012, registering profit after tax and minority interest (PATAMI) of RM151.5 million. This 4% increase from our PATAMI of RM146.2 million in 2011 was due principally to improvements in our stable revenue and derivatives trading revenue.

Stable revenue increased by 13% to RM127.4 million from RM112.8 million in 2011 due to a combination of factors. The listing of the three mega IPOs in 2012 contributed significantly to the increase in the revenue from depository services. The substantial growth in the number of structured warrants listed to 551 from 363 in 2011 resulted in higher listing fees. Additionally, the higher stable revenue was also boosted by the increase in sales of information.

As we had expected, our derivatives market continued along its expansionary journey following migration onto the Globex trading platform, and was even described by the editor of Futures and Options World (FOW) as "one of the most exciting derivative markets globally". This was substantiated by a 9% increase in revenue from RM51.2 million to RM56.0 million, as the volume of derivatives traded grew 14% from 8.4 million contracts to 9.6 million contracts.

While bolstering our revenue by growing our stable income and derivatives business, we have also ensured fiscal responsibility. This is evident in the figures: over the last four years, we achieved 30% revenue growth while expenses grew by only 15%.

During a year in which global trading value was down 22%, trading on Bursa Malaysia dipped only by 7%, translated to a drop in daily trading value in securities from RM1.79 billion to RM1.67 billion. As a result, our trading revenue decreased from RM193.0 million to RM178.3 million.

More positively, the successful mega IPOs of Felda Global Ventures Holdings Berhad, IHH Healthcare Berhad and Astro Malaysia Holdings Berhad contributed to an expansion of our market capitalisation to RM1.47 trillion from RM1.29 trillion.

Bursa Malaysia also reaffirmed our prominence as the world's leading sukuk listing destination with an 18% increase in the value of programmes listed from USD28.5 billion in 2011 to USD33.7 billion in 2012. At the same time, Bursa Suq Al-Sila' (BSAS) recorded an impressive 89% increase in its average daily trading value to RM2.3 billion from RM1.2 billion, following growing acceptance among global market participants.

Given our financial performance, we are proposing a final dividend of 13.5 sen which, combined with the 13.5 sen interim dividend paid in August, totals to a full-year dividend of 27 sen. This represents a payout of 95% of our net profit, and means that we are once again looking to reward our shareholders beyond our dividend promise of 75% minimum payout.


A definite highlight of the year was hosting the three earlier-mentioned mega IPOs, which earned Bursa Malaysia a spot on the international capital market space. These listings were indicative of investor confidence in our top-performing PLCs, which was further reflected in the FBM KLCI hitting a number of new highs from July onwards and closing the year at 1,688.95 points, a significant 158.22 points higher than the previous year-end's 1,530.73 points.

Another highlight was being able to step up our linkages within the regional market when, together with the Singapore Exchange (SGX) and, later, The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), we connected our trading platforms via the ASEAN Trading Link. Our grouping brings together 2,250 listed companies with a market capitalisation of USD1.6 trillion, representing approximately 70% of the total market capitalisation of ASEAN.

Ahead of the launch of the ASEAN Trading Link, IHH Healthcare Berhad opted to enhance its profiling by dual listing on the Main Boards of Bursa Malaysia and SGX on 25 July 2012. The listing is fully fungible, allowing shareholders to transfer their shares between both Exchanges via a standard cross transfer mechanism. This marked an exciting milestone for us as it was the first simultaneous dual listing to be conducted on our Exchange.

It was also a memorable year for our derivatives market, which truly rode on a high. Other than its impressive open interest record, it continued to attract more foreign participants via the Globex trading platform as well as bring us greater recognition. During the financial year, Futures & Options World presented our derivatives segment the Best Technology Innovation by an Asian Exchange award while naming it a runner-up for the Asian Derivatives Exchange of the Year. The publication cited easy accessibility and global connectivity of the Malaysian derivatives market as key factors that led to these wins.

Our Islamic markets continued to hold their own, further reinforcing Bursa Malaysia as an integrated exchange offering both conventional and niche products. Thanks to the continuous efforts of our team, we retained our leadership position as the premier sukuk listing destination for the fourth consecutive year, with 20 programmes undertaken by 17 issuers.


We are fully cognisant of the challenges of the brave new globalised and digitalised world, in which traditional protective barriers are no longer recognised, and only the fittest can survive. We are therefore building on our foundations to enter this uncompromising realm. As we boost our ecosystem and create a more dynamic exchange, we are better positioned to catalyse further growth of corporate Malaysia.

Our vision is to serve not just as an effective Malaysian bourse, but as the preferred ASEAN multinational marketplace. To achieve this vision, we recognise the need to embody all the virtues of a high-performance organisation. In 2012, therefore, we developed four Strategic Intents to build on our inherent strengths and take us forward. These are:

  1. to create a more facilitative trading environment;
  2. to facilitate more tradable alternatives;
  3. to reshape the market structure and framework; and
  4. to become a regional marketplace with global access.

Towards creating a facilitative trading environment, we have invested in various technologies to improve the exchange ecosystem in a holistic manner, initiating domino-effect change from the front end to the back room and vice versa, thus enhancing the entire value chain of trading, clearing, settlement and depository.

In the securities market, we introduced new order and validity types which enable participants to execute a greater variety of trading and risk management strategies. When keying in orders now, for example, brokers can use Market to Limit order, Fill and Kill, and minimum quantity. Other innovations included introducing CDS Straight Through Processing and extending our eCash payments framework. To further expand our accessibility and reach, we have also revamped our website to be more user-friendly.

The derivatives space was enhanced by the implementation of a new clearing system which has greater capacity for trade volume and for handling more complex products. This system also incorporates better risk management capabilities to protect investors.

In terms of new products, we further entrenched our leadership position in the palm oil market with the launch of Options on Crude Palm Oil futures (OCPO), the first commodity options in Asia. The derivatives market was also enriched by the re-launch of options on FKLI (OKLI). Meanwhile, BSAS saw the addition of RBD Palm Olein as one of its commodity offerings.

As our marketplace evolves with the addition of more products of greater complexity, we acknowledge the need for a more sophisticated system to protect our market integrity and our investors. Hence on 31 December 2012, we introduced a new Surveillance System which helps to improve the quality of both our securities and derivatives markets.

Our efforts to reshape the market structure and framework are geared towards removing barriers in order to create greater activity and liquidity. Towards this end, we introduced referral agent activities and a dual licencing fast-track programme; eased the entry requirements for derivatives trading; and are now allowing futures brokers to set up branches and kiosks to expand their reach.

To profile our PLCs and elevate the Malaysian capital market internationally, we have been conducting the successful Invest Malaysia programme, in Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong, every year. At the 2012 events, we positioned Bursa Malaysia as a key driver of the ASEAN market. ASEAN, with a population of 600 million, is one of the world's most vibrant economic regions, with projected GDP growth of 5.5% through to 2017 according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). We intend to leverage on this growth to create greater visibility on the international front.

We have already made headway in this regard in both the derivatives and Islamic markets, where we are gaining recognition for offering quality products and services.

Derivatives trade by foreign institutions increased from 31% in 2011 to 36%, and we are hopeful of further boosting this figure upon clearance from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) for US traders to have direct market access to the Globex trading platform. In our Islamic markets, no less than a quarter of the trading participants are foreign, and trade by foreign participants on BSAS increased from 21% in 2011 to 30%. Our credentials as a sukuk listing destination, meanwhile, are second to none as we uphold our status as the premier sukuk listing destination for the fourth consecutive year.


As a regulator, we serve to ensure a high level of integrity in the marketplace in order to protect our investors. In carrying out this function, we constantly update our regulatory framework so that it remains relevant to support developments taking place regionally.

In advance of launching the Exchange Traded Bonds and Sukuk (ETBS) in February 2013, we changed our Listing Requirements to permit the listing of bonds and sukuk by a larger base of issuers that includes non-listed companies. We further amended the Listing Requirements to support the Securities Commission's Corporate Governance Blueprint 2011 and Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance 2012 by strengthening board quality and enhancing transparency in listed companies' governance practices. To accommodate the new products launched on our derivatives market, we also made relevant changes to the Bursa Derivatives Rules.


The overall outlook for Malaysia is anticipated to be marginally better in 2013 than it was in 2012 given the country's economic prospects and business fundamentals, despite on-going global uncertainties. Malaysia's strong domestic demand will continue to drive growth, supported by catalytic initiatives under the GTP and ETP.

These will cushion the global impact on our securities market, which we will continue to build by further enhancing our infrastructure and introducing new asset classes. The year has already begun on a high note with the listing on 8 February of our first ETBS, issued by DanaInfra Nasional Berhad. With the Guidelines issued on Business Trust late 2012, we can look forward to additional options for fund raising exercises and investments.

We also aim to expand our retail reach via the Internet, and build a strong cadre of investors by targeting those who have just entered the workforce as well as the current population who are not active investors. The idea is to reach out to potential investors and keep them informed of the wide range of investment opportunities, products and services that Bursa Malaysia has to offer.

While our derivatives market has been growing from strength to strength over the last few years, we will continue to develop it by further widening our distribution channels and increasing the breadth and depth of our product offerings. As an example, we plan to leverage on our entrenched position in palm oil trading by creating new tradable options such as futures in refined palm oil.

A major challenge in the Islamic markets is acceptance of our products internationally. To overcome this, we intensify our product innovations and offerings to meet the international Shari'ah standards through continuous consultation and engagement with industry players. This is also supported by more focused marketing and educational efforts.

We recognise that our onward journey will be challenging yet, having implemented several mission-critical projects in 2012, we are confident of our potential once the market picks up. In 2012, we made a good start towards becoming an exchange to be reckoned with, and are determined to continue to push the envelope to serve not just Malaysian issuers and investors, but also those from the region and beyond so as to establish ourselves as ASEAN's leading marketplace.
Dato’ Tajuddin bin Atan
Chief Executive Officer