Annual Report 2012
For Our Shareholders



Bursa Malaysia's share price took off at the start of the year in line with strong performance of Asian shares and other regional exchanges. In May, however, regional exchanges and indices were affected by negative news flow, in particular that surrounding European sovereign debt issues. During that same period, Bursa Malaysia was removed from the MSCI Emerging Markets Index, and transferred from the MSCI Malaysia Standard Index to the MSCI Malaysia Small Cap Index at MSCI's semi-annual index review on 15 May. The reclassification by MSCI resulted in a drop in share price over the month, culminating in a large sell down as funds tracking the index sold out. Foreign shareholding in Bursa Malaysia fell from 17% at end April to 10% at end May. The movement of our share price is reflected below.
Click on the image to view a larger version. 

In 2012, our share price dropped by 7% from RM6.70 to RM6.22 mainly due to the removal from the MSCI index. This, in effect, has made our share more attractive than other exchanges in the region. As at 31 December 2012, Bursa Malaysia's forward PE ratio stood at 21.7x, in comparison to Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd (32.2x), Singapore Exchange (23.8x) and Australian Securities Exchange (15.9x) [Source: Bloomberg]. Despite the downward movement of our share price, mainly due to the MSCI announcement, Bursa Malaysia's fundamentals remain strong and unaffected.


As an exchange and a proxy to the market, maintaining best practice in corporate governance is given top priority at Bursa Malaysia and we remain committed to strengthening the investment community's confidence in the Company. In the year under review, Bursa Malaysia was proud to be included as one of the Top 50 Corporate Governance Ranked Mid/Small Caps in Asia Pacific by the Asian Corporate Governance Association. This recognition elevated our standing, and attracted the interest of foreign institutional funds that had never previously invested in the Exchange.

As part of our continuous effort to forge a stronger relationship with our investors, we launched our new and easier-to-navigate website in early July. Its new features include more user-friendly search functions for stock prices, all-in-one listed company profile pages and improved classification of information. In order to provide clear segregation of the dual role played by Bursa Malaysia as a listed company and an exchange marketplace, the website has also been divided into two broad sections – the Corporate and Market sections.

We encourage investors to follow our progress and explore our new Investor Relations portal located in the Corporate Section of the website. We continue to make available the webcast of our Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and our CEO's video on our IR Portal.


Access to timely information is vital to our investors. In this regard, we use an array of media channels to disseminate material and price-sensitive information to our investors for them to make informed decisions. We continue to keep our investors engaged through roadshows, meetings, briefings, announcements and our Annual General Meetings.

As part of our continuous efforts to reach out to our stakeholders, Bursa Malaysia engaged with investors in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Hong Kong and the United States this year. We have 20 analysts from local and foreign houses providing coverage for Bursa Malaysia. As at 31 December 2012, Bursa Malaysia had 57% of its call ratings as Buy, Outperform or Overweight, 36% as Hold, Neutral or Market Perform and 7% as Sell.


We remain committed to rewarding our shareholders. Our policy is to pay out no less than 75% of our net profit subject to other considerations, such as the level of available cash and cash equivalent, return on equity and retained earnings, our projected level of capital expenditure and other investment plans.

We have constantly rewarded our shareholders above the minimum 75% of our net profit. In the last five years, we have paid out more than 90% of our net profit, as reflected in the table below:

Financial Year Dividend Payment (sen/net) % of Dividend Payout

2012 • Interim Dividend 13.5 95%
  • Final Dividend 13.5  

2011 • Interim Dividend 13.0 95%
  • Final Dividend 13.0  

2010 • Interim Dividend 9.5 94%
  • Final Dividend 10.5  

2009 • Interim Dividend 8.8 93%
  • Final Dividend 9.0  

2008 • Interim Dividend 12.2 91%
  • Final Dividend 5.9  


Our public shareholding of 65.2% provides a fair free float for Bursa Malaysia's shares and a good level of liquidity.

We had a total shareholder count of 26,976 as at end 2012. Our market capitalisation, meanwhile, declined from RM3.6 billion in 2011 to RM3.5 billion.

Click on the image to view a larger version.

Investor Relations Contact

All investors are welcome to contact the IR team directly at or visit the Investor Relations section on our website, where they can subscribe to regular updates on Bursa Malaysia via email alerts and access our quarterly newsletter.