Annual Report 2010
Corporate Sustainability Statement

Corporate Sustainability Statement


Bursa Malaysia is committed to building an enduring business model that takes into account marketplace, workplace, environment and the community, and balances business opportunity and risk. Our sustainability strategy aims to deliver lasting value for our shareholders and stakeholders.
Our stakeholder engagement serves as a platform for us to identify and understand our stakeholders' major concerns, which will be taken into account in the management of our business and sustainability strategies.

The Board is responsible for Bursa Malaysia's overall sustainability strategy. The oversight of Bursa Malaysia's sustainability agenda rests with the Sustainability Committee, comprising our senior management and led by the CEO. The Committee's responsibilities include monitoring and reporting sustainability performance to the Board and communicating to stakeholders. The management of the initiatives will be run by the newly formed Corporate Sustainability Department.

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  1. Marketplace

  1. As a frontline regulator, our primary responsibility is to ensure the sustainability of our capital markets. Ensuring market quality and integrity, building an informed investment community and developing competitive products and services top the list of our focus areas in the marketplace dimension. We strongly advocate that Malaysian PLCs integrate sustainability practices into their business strategies. As a PLC itself, Bursa Malaysia includes elements of sustainability in its business strategy with the primary aim of building a quality market.

    During the year:

    1. We practised ethical procurement and vendor management;
    2. We continued to promote high standards of CG practices among PLCs by holding seminars for PLC directors and co-hosting the annual CG Week with the SC;
    3. We launched the 'Business Sustainability Programme' to guide PLC directors in their own sustainability agenda. The Programme consists of a sustainability guide for directors, a knowledge portal, a project matching facility and thought leadership sessions on the subject;
    4. We continued our efforts to build an informed investment community and promote our offerings through initiatives such as Market Chat, Talk Futures, Invest Malaysia and Islamic capital market forums as well as via our CBRS research scheme. We also advocated financial literacy among undergraduates by partnering with CFA Malaysia in the Bursa Malaysia-CFA Malaysia Investment Research Challenge 2011;
    5. We elevated market efficiency, product diversity and globalised our offerings with the introduction of new products and services such as CBBC, e-Dividend, e-Share and the trading of our derivatives products on CME Globex®;
    6. We were re-certified for ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management System), ensuring our commitment to enhance the quality of our products and services as well as our customer service; and
    7. We supported industry initiatives such as The Star-ICRM Awards, NACRA 2010 Awards and ACCA Mesra Awards, to increase the awareness, understanding and adoption of good CG and sustainability practices.

  1. Workplace

  1. To deliver value to our shareholders and manage stakeholder expectations, we rely heavily on our greatest asset which is our employees. We want to be a preferred employer that can attract and retain the best talents for the sustainable growth of our company. To us, being a caring and responsible employer is not an option but an obligation we have to our employees.

    On that score, we shall continue to invest in our employees, supporting their personal and professional development, inculcating a work-life balance, and ensuring employees' health and safety. As a learning organisation, we offer opportunities for employees to be challenged, to make a difference, to grow, to make significant contributions, to innovate and ultimately to succeed. In the workplace, establishing strong succession planning and increasing the number of positively engaged employees ranked high in our sustainability agenda.

    During the year:

    1. We continued to focus on human capital development efforts through functional and technical trainings as well as managerial and leadership skills trainings. Various HR development programmes were introduced during the year such as talent management programmes, mentoring programmes and leadership programmes. In order to inculcate a culture of knowledge among employees and the public, we re-launched the library, now called Knowledge Centre@Bursa;
    2. We engaged with our employees via various activities such as GHR Open Day, Quarterly Breakfast with the CEO, Bursa@Work Bootcamp and Bursa@Work Employee Recognition Award;
    3. We promoted work-life balance through the introduction of flexi-working hours. We also conducted health and wellness programmes through medical talks with the employees and encouraged our employees to use the in-house gym and sports facilities. Our employees also participated keenly in sports activities; and
    4. Our efforts towards building a talent pool saw the recruitment of nine local and foreign university graduates for our in-house 18-month management associate training programme called Trailblazer. We also trained 93 students from local and foreign universities under our internship programme, exposing them to working life, our business and the industry as a whole through placements in various business and support units.

  1. Community

  1. Bursa Malaysia invests in community initiatives that are aimed at improving lives and creating a meaningful impact. We channel our community endeavours through our foundation, Yayasan Bursa Malaysia. Our key thrusts focus on developing the youth through enhanced education opportunities, and increasing financial literacy and capital market awareness through educational activities. Our philanthropic activities focus more on the underprivileged and the deserving. We see employee volunteerism gaining strength but we regard this as one area we can improve on going forward.

    1. Our focus in youth development programmes was demonstrated by the following activities:

      • We helped develop talents through the Yayasan Bursa Malaysia scholarship programme which entered its fifth year. So far, the programme has awarded 25 scholarships to deserving undergraduates with a value close to RM1 million. In 2010, scholarships worth a total of RM264,000 were awarded to six undergraduates in varied disciplines from universities nationwide;
      • We ventured into school adoption in partnership with Yayasan PINTAR of Khazanah Nasional. The PINTAR school adoption programme is a three-year programme targeted at rural schools, aimed at promoting intelligence, nurturing talent and advocating responsibility amongst school children. Bursa Malaysia adopted two rural schools, namely Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Batu Laut in Tanjong Sepat, Hulu Langat, and Sekolah Kebangsaan Tun Abdul Razak in Kuala Kubu Bharu. We contributed to the schools in many ways, including sponsoring educational enhancement activities such as providing books for the school libraries, working with teachers and students to improve their performance in major examinations and subscribing English newspapers to help develop English language skills amongst students;
      • We enhanced financial literacy and youth leadership among young children through school holiday programmes, workshops and camps for our employees' children and other children as well. During the year we organised three Moneywise' money management sessions and two Toastmaster's public speaking workshops for children from the ages of seven to seventeen. Separately, five children in the same age category gained from Yayasan Bursa Malaysia's sponsorship in Diode youth leadership camp;
      • We partnered with CFA Malaysia to organise the Bursa Malaysia-CFA Malaysia Investment Research Challenge 2011 for undergraduates from local universities and colleges. The aim was to promote interest in the financial research and analysis industry amongst undergraduates as well as provide them with real life experience in this discipline. 18 teams from 11 different tertiary institutions took part in the challenge; and
      • We supported several skills enhancement and motivational programmes for secondary and university students.
    2. We continued to remain active in our philanthropic efforts during 2010 with the following activities:

      • The Edge-Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Rat Race ran for the 11th year on 3rd August 2010, raising RM1.75 million that benefited 20 charitable organisations. The Race successfully raised RM11.19 million and benefitted 125 charitable organisations since its inception;
      • We visited the Rat Race beneficiaries, ensuring progress of the projects and programmes they had proposed to do with the proceeds they received from the Race. This also provided opportunities for us to strengthen our community involvement;
      • Bursa Photography Club, in collaboration with the Malaysian Association for the Blind, shared their skills with the visually impaired to capture shots using their other senses. These two-hour monthly sessions began in 2009;
      • We rewarded our employees' children for their excellent performance in major examinations. 37 children benefitted from the award in 2010. Separately, 30 of our employees' children received financial assistance to prepare them at the start of new school year; and
      • Our staff organised four visits to the underprivileged, such as to hospitals, old folks' homes and orphanages, demonstrating their spirit of volunteerism.
    3. We promoted employee volunteerism in our activities, elevating their personal sense of responsibility to the community. More than 110 staff volunteered their time, clocking in a total of 530 volunteer hours.

  1. Environment

  1. Bursa Malaysia is committed to minimise its impact on the environment by managing its carbon footprint and conserving natural resources. Our environmental management system enables us to systematically manage and improve our environmental performance and increase operating efficiency. Bursa Malaysia is the first stock exchange to be certified ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 simultaneously, and we have been certified since 2007. We complied with all relevant legislation and received no environmental management complaints in 2010.

    During the year:

    1. We established our carbon footprint and worked towards minimising our GHG emission via several initiatives:

      • The biggest contributor to Bursa Malaysia's carbon footprint is from indirect source of electricity usage, which contributed 91% to our total carbon footprint. We implemented more energy saving initiatives in 2010, resulting in a reduction in the GHG emission from this source. Initiatives included switching off lighting in noncritical areas as well as managing our air conditioning and lift operations. We managed our business air travel as it, too, contributes to our indirect CO2 emissions. We encouraged employees to tele and video conference whenever possible and we upgraded our conference facilities.

        GHG Protocol Emission Scope1 Source of Emission GHG Emission2 (in tonnes of CO2 equivalent)
        2009 2010
        Scope 2 Electricity Usage 6,189 6,185
        Scope 3 Business Air Travel 475 609
        Scope 3 Paper Consumption - 16
        Total   6,664 6,810

        1. Our GHG emission scope and source of emission were referenced to GHG Protocol - A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard of the World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
          • Scope 2 refers to indirect GHG emissions from consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam.
          • Scope 3 refers to other indirect emissions, such as the extraction and production of purchased materials and fuels, transport-related activities in vehicles not owned or controlled by the reporting entity, electricity-related activities (e.g. T&D losses) not covered in Scope 2, outsourced activities, waste disposal, etc.
        2. GHG emission is computed as follows:
          • GHG emission for electricity usage was calculated by multiplying quantity of purchased electricity (kWh) by 0.684 tonnes CO2/MWh emission (factor is based on 2007 report by Pusat Tenaga Malaysia titled 'Study on grid connected electricity baselines in Malaysia'.)
          • GHG emission for business air travel was based on the International Civil Aviation Organisation Carbon Emissions Calculator. Carbon footprint was computed for each man trip made.
          • GHG emission from paper consumption used VfU Indicator 2005 emission calculator. No emission was calculated for 2009 due to the inability of data.
    2. We also focused on various conservation efforts through the following initiatives:

      • Reducing our general waste to 155,611 kg (2009: 406,410 kg) and scheduled waste to 219.2 kg (2009: 1,078 kg);
      • Our water consumption was reduced to 113,594 cubic metres (m3) in 2010 (2009: 119,718 m3). We also embarked on water conservation efforts, diverting underground water to the air conditioning cooling tank;
      • We promoted e-Services such as e-Dividend and e-Share, reducing the need to use paper;
      • We continued to instil the habits of 'Reduce, Rethink, Reuse and Recycle' in our staff, our tenants' staff and canteen operators. We introduced 'No Styrofoam Day' on Fridays and encouraged the use of 3R bins. We encouraged employees to minimise usage of paper, to recycle used paper for draft printing, to do double-sided printing and to recycle toner;
      • Our employees send electronic greeting cards in our efforts to save trees; and
      • We preferred to work with vendors and suppliers who have knowledge on environmental issues. Such knowledge was taken into consideration in our vendor and supplier selection process.
    3. We continued carbon-offset efforts with the planting of 231 trees for The Edge-Bursa Malaysia Rat Race 2009 event, supporting the nation's 'One Citizen, One Tree' campaign.
    4. To increase knowledge on environmental protection among employees and school-going children, we conducted several briefings and environment activities during the year. We worked with TrEES, an environmental NGO, to teach students from our adopted schools about environmental conservation. We sponsored and hosted a bi-monthly talk by CSR Asia on sustainability issues for our Malaysian PLCs.

Moving Forward

At Bursa Malaysia, we take the recently launched Business Sustainability Programme for PLCs as a challenge for ourselves as well. We have always promoted CS as a key to sustainability, and we will be progressively integrating sustainability elements into Bursa Malaysia's overall strategy. In 2011, for instance, Bursa Malaysia expects to publish its first standalone Sustainability Report. This milestone will provide a tangible basis for sustainability disclosure and communication and a platform for meaningful stakeholder engagement. We also intend to adhere to the Global Reporting Initiatives guidelines for our annual reporting in future years. Our leadership role in championing sustainability is something we take seriously.