Annual Report 2010



Maintenance of market integrity and investor protection remains our primary focus. We undertake a wide range of regulatory activities which are aimed at ensuring that our market remains attractive as a destination for listing and investment.
Efficient Capital Raising

We continue to provide a conducive environment for capital raising through our efficient processes. In 2010, a total of 29 new listings with a combined market capitalisation of RM52.5 billion were listed on the Exchange. There were also 105 secondary issues, in which a total amount of RM13.1 billion was raised.

In assessing and processing listing applications, we stay focused in ensuring an adequate level of investor protection and transparency, as well as effective time to market.

Enhancing Corporate Governance Standards

Bursa Malaysia remains committed to establishing and maintaining high standards of CG amongst PLCs. We continued with our various initiatives to promote best practices in CG so as to sustain market integrity. A five-pronged approach was adopted, as depicted below:

In 2010, we proposed several changes to the Bursa Securities LR to further develop the standards of CG.

The second SC-Bursa Malaysia CG Week was held from 28 June to 2 July 2010 in collaboration with various industry and professional associations and organisations. This event was successful in raising awareness on key developments in the area of CG amongst directors of PLCs and industry participants. In addition, Bursa Malaysia continued to hold various evening talks for directors to enhance both awareness and understanding of good CG practices.

We continue to undertake robust engagement with listed issuers at both plenary level and through direct engagement with boards of directors to further emphasise the importance of good CG practices.

Subsequent to the issuance of the Corporate Governance Guide - Towards Boardroom Excellence (the CG Guide) in 2009, we embarked on various educational and advocacy initiatives to familiarise directors on the CG Guide. As a follow through, we continued with these education and advocacy sessions in 2010. To-date, more than 3,000 copies of the Guide have been printed and issued to various stakeholders and more than 1,000 directors and senior management have attended trainings on the CG Guide.

Whilst we strengthened our efforts in engagement and education, there was no let up in terms of enforcement. Where non-compliance with the LR was detected, we took strict enforcement action.

Improving Standards of Disclosure

We remain vigilant in monitoring compliance with the disclosure requirements for PLCs and their advisers. In 2010, we issued a total of 477 announcement queries requiring PLCs to disclose additional disclosure or further clarification in respect of their corporate announcements. A total of 159 media queries were also issued requiring PLCs to clarify, deny or confirm rumours or reports about material information not previously disclosed. In addition, we issued a total of 27 UMA queries aimed at procuring further disclosure in instances of unusual price/volume movement which was not accompanied by any corporate developments.

As part of our continuous efforts to further improve standards of disclosure we undertook a review of our regulatory approach and the requirements in connection with continuing disclosures and financial reports. As a result of the review, we have proposed enhancements to the continuing disclosure and financial reporting obligations of PLCs to enable the availability of more timely and adequate information in the market.

To further improve disclosure standards, we also intend to issue a guidance note on disclosure requirements. This will provide greater clarity on LR disclosure requirements and facilitate ease of compliance. A consultation paper on these enhancements was issued and the proposals were further refined after taking into account the views expressed during the public consultation process. We intend to implement the changes after approval by the SC.

From time-to-time we engage directly with PLCs and advisers who lack good corporate disclosure practices and provide them with clarification and education. In 2010, we engaged a total of 221 listed companies and 19 advisers, highlighting areas where disclosures could be further improved.

Promoting High Standards of Business Conduct Among Participants

We routinely monitor the business conduct of Participants to ensure compliance with our Business Rules. Adherence to high standards of business conduct ensures integrity and quality in the services provided by Participants to investors.

We have a structured and systematic monitoring mechanism in place which includes carrying out periodic on-site inspections and thematic inspections, the conduct of off-site monitoring through review of periodic submissions and the monitoring of capital adequacy of the Participants.

We also monitor domestic and international developments and trends that could potentially impinge on the standards and service deliveries of our Participants, or that could undermine investor protection or the integrity of the market.

We also keep regular engagements with Participants as part of our initiative to enhance Participants awareness of any weaknesses in their business practices as well as any potential non-compliance with the Rules detected during the course of our inspection. This is to enable the Participants to take rectification measures at an early stage.

We have an open communication channel where Participants can contact directly a designated officer from the supervision unit of Bursa Malaysia to obtain guidance and advice on regulatory issues and concerns.

The above measures have been effective in ensuring that Participants adhere to high standards of business conduct.

Arising from our robust monitoring framework of the Participants, there was no financial failure of any Participant in 2010. As at 31 December 2010, the industry average for Investment Banks' RWCR was above the minimum requirement of 8%. The industry average for Non-Investment Banks' CAR was 12.3 times against the minimum requirement of more than 1.2. The industry average Adjusted Net Capital for derivatives brokers was RM9.22 million as at 31 December 2010, which is above the minimum requirement.

Surveillance of Market and PLCs

Our underlying philosophy in managing market orderliness lies in addressing market misconduct.

We have a framework in place to monitor and take appropriate measures to ensure market integrity is preserved, and to suppress unacceptable trading conduct.

In relation to the monitoring of trading activities, we conduct realtime surveillance of the trading which takes place on our equities and derivatives markets. We use various techniques and approaches, including online alerts from the surveillance system, observations made by our analysts and other analytical tools. These help us determine whether market misconduct and abuses have occurred, such as manipulation or insider trading. Where trading concerns are noted, we will engage with the Participants and address the concerns.

We also monitor activities and developments in the PLCs to detect any non-compliance with the LR.

A framework to monitor the financial condition and level of operations of PLCs is also in place. Where the financial condition and the level of operations of PLCs are not at a satisfactory level as defined in the LR, PLCs are required to take remedial steps.

Where non-compliance is detected, enforcement action will be taken against the Participants or the PLCs concerned. The matter can also be referred to the SC if there are potential breaches of the securities laws.

Enhancing the Effectiveness of Enforcement

Enforcement of our Rules is carried out in a fair, consistent and timely manner. During the year, we strengthened our guidelines and further improved our processes.

Sanctions were imposed against PLCs and their directors for various breaches of the LR, as shown in the table below. The total number of sanctions was 280 in 2010 and included reprimands and fines amounting to RM7,474,850.

Sanctions Imposed# PLCs Directors Directors
Public Reprimand and Fine - 107 107
Public Reprimand 86 35 121
Private Reprimand 32 20 52
Total 118 162 280
Total Fines Imposed (RM) Nil 7,474,850 7,474,850

As for violations of the Business Rules, enforcement actions were instituted against Participants, their dealer representatives and agents. The total number of sanctions was 212 in 2010 and included reprimand (public and private), striking off and fines amounting to RM793,200.

Type of Action Taken# Participating Organisations/ Securities Clearing Participants Dealer's Representatives/ Registered Persons (Securities) Authorised Depository Agents Trading Participants/ Derivatives Clearing Participants/FBRs/ Local Participants Total
Reprimand (Public/Private) and/or Fine and/or Suspension/Striking off [& additional condition(s)] 2 8 - 1 11
Fine & Deferred Suspension - - - - -
Fine & Public Reprimand - - - - -
Fine/Deferred Fine with enforceable conditions and/or directive to rectify 13 92 - 2 107
Private reprimand/Fine and/or directive to rectify, failing which fine/suspension 17 5 1 15 38
Caution and/or directive and/ or additional conditions 32 11 3 10 56
Total Sanctions 64 116 4 28 212
Total Fines Imposed (RM) 291,400 355,200 - 146,600 793,200
# more than one sanction may have been imposed on a director, PLC or other market participants and the total number of sanctions reported is greater than the number of persons or entities against whom we took action.

Through these enforcement actions, we aim to deter future breaches, educate market participants, promote a culture of compliance and enhance CG practices. All fines collected are segregated and used to educate market participants as well as investors and defray legal or court expenses related to enforcement actions.

Utilisation of Fines Income and Transfer Fees RM'000
Balance as at 1 January 2010 8,456
Fines collected during 2010:
  • Fines income received
  • Transfer fee (transfer of Dealer Representatives between POs)
  • 980
  • 858
Fines utilised:
  • Education and training of market participants and investors
  • Legal expenses relating to enforcement actions
  • 526
  • 225
Net Fines/Transfer Fees Income for the period 1,087
Balance as at 31 December 2010 9,543

Elevating the Level of Education and Awareness in the Industry

We continue to place emphasis on both engagement and education to further enhance compliance with our rules and promote high standards of conduct amongst our market participants and PLCs.

We conducted engagements and education on a one-to-one as well an industry wide basis through road shows, dialogues, seminars, talks and thought leadership sessions. The programmes are targeted at trading representatives of market participants, directors, senior management, compliance officers of market participants and PLCs, as well as industry associations.

The engagement and education programmes are not only to facilitate greater understanding of matters relating to compliance with the rules, but also to discuss and highlight emerging trends and areas of concerns. This is an effective avenue for two way communication between the Exchange and market participants, and helps in bridging any gaps in expectation and understanding.

The education programmes involving the trading representatives form part of their 'Continuing Professional Education' and credit points are awarded for attending these programmes.

In 2010, we also issued guidance notes and industry communication letters as another form of education to highlight, discuss and clarify issues of concerns and areas of rule breaches.

Rule Changes

A robust and growing market can only be achieved with balanced, transparent and progressive rules that are benchmarked internationally to meet the needs of the Malaysian capital market. For this purpose, we continuously review our regulatory framework to improve efficiency in our market and to promote the competitiveness and attractiveness of Bursa Malaysia as a listing and investment destination.

In line with our objectives above, we have amended our Rules this year to include the following key changes:

  • Introducing the e-Dividend framework for payment of cash dividends by listed companies to their shareholders;
  • Facilitating the issuance and listing of callable bull and bear warrants on the Main Market;
  • Facilitating the migration of all derivatives products on Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad onto CME Globex®; and
  • Providing greater flexibility in undertaking SBLNT.

As part of our ongoing efforts to provide balanced, transparent and progressive rules we are also working on various other enhancements to the rules. Proposed amendments in the following key areas are pending SC's approval:

Bursa Securities Listing Requirements
  • Enhancing the continuing disclosure and financial reporting obligations of listed issuers;
  • Enhancing the CG requirements;
  • Reviewing the framework of share schemes for employees of listed issuers; and
  • Allowing listed issuers to dispatch documents to securities holders via electronic means, if it is permitted under the laws; facilitating listed issuers to pay dividends in shares to their shareholders through a scheme known as 'Dividend Reinvestment Scheme'.

Bursa Securities Listing Requirements and Rules of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad
  • Enhancing the processes for the taking of enforcement actions.