Annual Report 2010
Human Capital Management

Human Capital Management


BURSA@Work aims to create an innovative and customer centric corporate culture with employees who deliver high performance by building from within.
Any organisation that plays on a world playing field requires a culture and underlying values that attract, produce and retain creative, agile and results driven people who have an international outlook. It must also be an organisation whose people collaborate together towards achieving a common goal.

In 2009, the Bursa Malaysia's family (Warga Bursa) embarked on a journey to define these values and how they should inspire us. The result was BURSA@Work:

  • Building relationships
  • United to achieve
  • Responsibility
  • Simplicity
  • Agility

Work to implement these values continued in 2010. A number of initiatives became our focus in fulfilling this vision.

Putting BURSA@Work into Practice

In 2010, a programme to integrate core values at all levels was rolled out. Dubbed the BURSA@Work Bootcamp, the two-day residential workshops were facilitated by external and in-house trainers. Participants were able to discuss and clarify the basic approach to implementing and integrating the new values and, through a series of experiential learning activities, putting the values in practice. They also shared ideas on projects aimed at fostering and promoting these values at work.

590 employees attended a total of 22 workshops organised between January and July 2010.

At the same time, employees nominated and voted for the colleagues whom they felt best embodied each of these values and who might serve as role models. Three employees won awards in five different categories. Winners of the BURSA@Work Employee Recognition Awards were recognised for their efforts at a prize giving ceremony presented by the CEO.

A Holistic Approach to Talent Management

We believe in a comprehensive approach to talent management with equal emphasis on promoting a culture of continuous learning and ensuring sustainability for the future.

Creating a Supportive Learning Eco-System

New values and a new mindset are difficult to achieve if our people are not equipped to apply them. To this end we allocated RM3.3 million for employee training in the following areas:

  • Functional and technical training;
  • HR development programmes; and
  • Talent management programmes.

36 training programmes were conducted in-house alone.

We took several measures to ensure the effectiveness of our learning and development resources. We refined the Leadership and Development framework developed in 2009 to be aligned with our core values. We also defined leadership competencies and job success profiles at all levels across the organisation, which employees and supervisors can use for their individual development plans that can be tied into the training calendar we publish on the company intranet at the beginning of each year.

With guidance on what skills are required to succeed in their roles and a calendar for training, our employees and their supervisors are better equipped to plan their own development needs. Overall, we achieved seven learning days per employee, and our surveys show that four out of five employees are satisfied with our in-house training programme.

Finally, assessment and talent profiling was also extended up and down the organisation to identify skills gaps, as well as employees with high potential.

Creating Sustainability for The Future

People are generally eager to develop themselves, but everyone does so at a different pace. We believe our high fliers are more engaged and remain with us when attention is paid to their development needs. Four new development programmes were implemented in 2010 as part of our efforts to enlarge the talent pool. Two are aimed at boosting the retention of talent among our emerging leaders, while the other two are aimed at entry level talent. We allocated 32% of our training budget to the development of our best and brightest.

Guiding Bursa Malaysia's Leaders is a mentoring programme to develop the leadership skills of those in our talent pool via experiential learning methods. It allows them to learn from Bursa Malaysia's top leaders who act as mentors, and provides insight into other aspects of our business by pairing individuals with mentors who are from different business units. 21 members of the talent pool were selected for the programme and each Leadership Team mentor is responsible for three individuals.

FLEX, which stands for Future Leaders of the Exchange, prepares our high performing middle managers for the next level by equipping them with the requisite managerial and leadership skills. We selected 48 employees for the programme based on job performance. They underwent seven months of classroom training covering six modules on people management, personal leadership and results leadership.

Trailblazer is our management associate programme for graduates. Participants are selected following a rigorous evaluation and assessment process. They embark on an 18 month training programme designed to introduce them to various aspects of our business as well as equip them with business acumen and leadership skills. Nine Trailblazers were recruited in 2010, from a combination of local and foreign university graduates, with backgrounds ranging from engineering to business majors, in line with our philosophy of strength through diversity.

  • Flexing their Leadership Muscles
  • "One of the characteristics of being a good leader is agility as well as the ability to listen. Since participating in FLEX, I have learnt to adapt when conditions and circumstances change, to listen and not only to hear; to communicate and understand my expectations and not only to perceive; to reflect upon my actions and its consequences, to be open and flexible, to appreciate that each individual is different and unique, thus act and behave differently."
  • Looi Sze Yan, Group Internal Audit.

  • Gen-Y Takes the Lead
  • "Stock exchanges are reputed to have one of the most dynamic working environments and I felt that there would be no better way to challenge myself than to start a career here. I also like the fact that Trailblazer allows for first-hand job experience gained through half-yearly rotations in different business functions of the organisation. For me, I hope to gain better understanding of how the stock market works and the chance to contribute to society through various charity events that Bursa Malaysia is known to organise. Developing both inter and intrapersonal skills as well as a healthy work life balance are definitely on the list too!"
  • Norshida Razali, MSc MORSE, University of Warwick.

We also trained 93 students from local and foreign universities under our internship programme. These students gained exposure to working life, our business and the industry as a whole through placements in various business and support units. Former interns may be recruited as permanent employees upon graduation. In 2010, we hired five former interns. We continue to invest in the programme as we feel that internship is an effective tool to promote Bursa Malaysia as a potential employer. In 2010, we were voted as one of Malaysia's top 50 graduate employers by Malaysian students studying locally and abroad.

These initiatives have been the focus of our efforts for 2010, but we have not neglected the previous policies, practices and activities which have contributed to our long term vision and continue to serve us well in attracting, retaining, rewarding and engaging employees. This includes:

  1. Ensuring the diversity of our employee population of 620: Our mix of people, broadly reflects Malaysia's diverse ethnic composition. We believe it is a key attraction to potential employees and, indeed, continue actively to pursue ethnic, gender and age diversity in our employee population.
  2. Maintaining open platforms for dialogue: Through events such as GHR Open day and Breakfast with the CEO, we allow employees to mingle, discuss or clarify policy matters or other business issues with the CEO, senior management and HR. They contribute to improving work relationships and enhancing internal relationships.
  3. Encouraging a healthy lifestyle among employees: By organising health talks and sports activities, we raise awareness among employees of the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle.
  4. A performance based reward system: We believe an effective reward system should be designed to drive productivity improvements and contribute to the achievement of our corporate goals, while recognising individual excellence.
  5. Our pay philosophy: Our pay philosophy is positioned at the market 50th percentile for total pay, consisting of guaranteed pay (salary and fixed allowances) and variable bonus. Outstanding employees are distinguished, and positioned at the market 75th percentile. The performance management system and our pay structure are reviewed at appropriate intervals to ensure they remain relevant and competitive.

Developing human talent is an evolutionary process. To sustain ourselves as an organisation, we must always be willing to refine our policies and practices to get the very best from our people and to be able to attract new talent. We must also be proactive in developing the organisation and its human resources. To that end, a series of workshops on managing for performance is in the pipeline for 2011, and we will continue to prioritise investing in our people as a fundamental pillar of our future plans.