Annual Report 2010
Investor Relations

Investor Relations


It has always been Bursa Malaysia's priority to demonstrate the highest standards of integrity to our shareholders and the investment community. We are committed to building long-term relationships based on fair and timely disclosure, transparency, openness and constructive communication. As a listed company, a market operator and a regulator, our Investor Relations activities have an impact both on the company and the health of our market as a whole. We must aim, therefore, to be an example of best practice.
Reaching Out

The ability to have a meaningful two-way dialogue with all of our shareholders is how we secure and maintain their trust and understanding. We value the dialogue process with our investors and recognise its significance in promoting good governance in our company. We aim to keep shareholders, the broader investment community and other stakeholders fully informed by communicating our financial performance, latest business developments and strategy in a timely and accurate manner.

We use various mediums such as roadshows, meetings and briefings, announcements, website postings and the AGM, to ensure that investors and others are able to make informed decisions about the Company. We take special care to ensure that all material and price-sensitive information is disseminated at the same time to the widest possible audience through all relevant channels.

Locally and abroad, we actively engaged our shareholders, potential investors and analysts. The management engagement team usually consists of the CEO, CFO or the Head of Strategy, together with members of the IR unit. This year, management has met personally with more than 110 investors in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Europe, the Middle-East and the US. Research house coverage grew to 20 houses.

Continuous Efforts

For 2010, we benchmarked ourselves against the best companies as we focused on our goal of adhering to best practices. We participated in the IRGR survey which ranked 53 companies from 18 countries worldwide for good CG. Bursa Malaysia scored second highest, tying the spot with a Canadian company. We were successful in the Asia-Pacific region category, where Bursa Malaysia was given awards for Best CG Practices and Best Online Annual Report. These awards are recognition of Bursa Malaysia's efforts to exemplify best practice in both areas.

To help us measure progress and facilitate further improvement, we monitor customer satisfaction on IR annually. The survey showed improvement in the level of satisfaction from good to very good among our external stakeholders compared with the previous year.

The increased usage of internet technology prompted us to improve our services. This year, numerous features were added to the IR Portal to enrich user experience and help investors access relevant information more easily. In addition, a survey function was included where users can give their comments and views on the Portal. Investors are encouraged to visit the Company's IR portal for access to the online Annual Report, Q&A library, financial results and copies of presentations given to shareholders and analysts.

Bursa Malaysia's Share Performance

The Company's share price as at 30 December 2010 closed lower at RM7.80, falling 2% compared with the closing price of RM7.99 as at 31 December 2009. Over the year, Bursa Malaysia's share price touched a 52-week high of RM8.66 on 14 October 2010, and a low of RM6.75 on 25 May 2010.

Dividend Policy

We remain committed to giving good investment returns to our shareholders. Our policy is to pay out not less than 75% of our profits each year, subject to certain considerations, such as the level of available cash and cash equivalents, retained earnings, and the projected level of capital expenditure and other investment plans.

Historically, Bursa Malaysia has always rewarded our shareholders with a dividend payout of above 90%.

Financial Year Dividend Payment (sen/net) % of Dividend Payout
  • Interim Dividend
  • Final Dividend
  • 9.5
  • 10.5
  • Interim Dividend
    - Franked
    - Single Tier
  • Final Dividend
  • 9.0
  • Interim Dividend
  • Final Dividend
  • 12.2
  • 5.9

Foreign Shareholding and Market Capitalisation

The number of shareholders in Bursa Malaysia was 27,561 at the end of 2010. Foreign shareholding as at 31 December 2010 stood at 18.2% while market capitalisation declined marginally from RM4.2 billion in 2009 to RM4.1 billion during the year.

Our public shareholding of 62% provides a fair free float for Bursa Malaysia's shares and an appropriate level of liquidity.

Under Section 25 of the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007, no person can acquire 5% or more of the issued and paid-up share capital of Bursa Malaysia without first gaining approval from the Ministry of Finance.