Notes to the financial statements
31 December 2014
Bursa Malaysia
Annual Report 2014
2. Significant accounting policies (cont’d.)
2.4 Summary of significant accounting policies (cont’d.)
(m) Revenue recognition (cont’d.)
(iii) Other securities trading revenue
Other securities trading revenue mainly comprise institutional settlement services fees (ISS). ISS fees from the securities exchange are recognised
in full when services are rendered.
(iv) Other derivatives trading revenue
Other derivatives trading revenue mainly comprise collateral management services fee, guarantee and tender fees. Collateral management
services fee is recognised on an accrual basis. Guarantee fees are recognised on a daily basis on day end margin requirements for open
contracts. Tender fees are recognised on per contract tendered.
(v) Listing and issuer services
Listing and issuer services revenue comprise:
(a) Listing fees
Initial listing fees for Initial Public Offering exercises are recognised upon the listing of an applicant. Annual listing fees are recognised on
an accrual basis. Additional listing fees are recognised upon the listing of new securities issued by applicants.
(b) Perusal and processing fees
Perusal fees for circulars or notices issued are recognised when the services are rendered. Processing fees for corporate related exercises
on securities traded on the securities exchange are recognised when the related services are rendered.
(vi) Depository services
Fees from depository services are recognised when the services are rendered.
(vii) Market data
Fees from sale of information are recognised when the services are rendered.
(viii) Member services and connectivity
Member services and connectivity mainly comprise:
(a) Access fees
Access fees are recognised over the period that the access to the required services are provided.
(b) Participants’ fees
Initial application fees are recognised upon registration or admission into the securities or derivatives exchange. Annual subscription fees
are recognised on an accrual basis.