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Investor Relations


1. Transparency

It is Bursa Malaysia's top priority to be transparent, communicate consistently and engage with our stakeholders. We believe in communicating openly and maintaining good relationships with the investment community through frequent dialogues with analysts, institutional investors and shareholders. Last year, in the course of various road shows and investor conferences, Bursa Malaysia's main spokespeople, the CEO and CFO, assisted by the IR team, spoke with investors on the Company's financial health, development and growth prospects. Another key theme in all such events is the promotion of the Malaysian capital market. To this end, we have tailored our topics of discussion to profile the strength and attractiveness of not only the Company but also the market.

2. Sustainability

There has been increasing interest shown by the investment community in sustainability issues, mainly concerning Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and CG. To reflect management's commitment in this area, we continue to enhance transparency and accountability in terms of Bursa Malaysia's social and environmental programmes. We also communicate openly about our CG practices, by ensuring investors understand the various internal measures which are in place to safeguard the interests of stakeholders.


In total, the Management and IR team met with more than 200 funds managers at road shows and investor conferences in 2008. Countries visited include Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Australia, Japan, US and UK.

Last year, approximately 19 research houses covered Bursa Malaysia. In addition to domestic one-on-one meetings, global road shows and investor conferences, Bursa Malaysia received visits and conference calls from buy and sell side analysts interested in the Company's strategies and developments. To meet the needs of the wider audience, the Company encourages retail shareholders to raise questions directly through our AGM. In this way, we believe we have effectively addressed issues and concerns of a broad audience of investors and have communicated all relevant information in a timely and accurate manner. IR facilitates all feedback, and uses these exchanges to factor concerns into future business initiatives.


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