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Corporate Social Responsibility

Bursa Malaysia regards CSR as key to sustainability. As a public listed company, we emphasise on CG and concentrate on internal environmental management, community investment and human capital development. Bursa Malaysia remains committed to promoting CSR in PLCs, which are now required to report their CSR activities annually.

Our CG initiatives are described on Pages 58 to 66 and our work place initiatives on Pages 52 to 53 of this annual report, while various other initiatives in 2008 are described below.


Bursa Malaysia engages with the community through Yayasan Bursa Malaysia. The foundation's scholarship programme is currently into its third cycle. In 2008, scholarships amounting to RM216,000 were awarded to five students undertaking undergraduate courses in local universities.

To date, Yayasan Bursa Malaysia has granted scholarships to 15 excellent students. Upon the completion of their studies, scholarship students will be taken into Bursa Malaysia's management trainee programme for a two year period.

Community investment efforts continued with the well supported annual event, The Edge - Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Rat Race. This year, Yayasan Bursa Malaysia successfully raised RM1.74 million. The funds were distributed equally amongst 20 charitable organisations, selected on the basis of their commitment to undertake long term projects. Some of the projects which benefited included the setting-up of a laundry service by a hearing-impaired community in Kedah, and the training of skilled care providers for sexually abused children in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor.

Employee volunteerism for community work is encouraged. Apart from the KL Rat Race, Bursa Malaysia also supported other community causes by participating in charity events such as the Terry Fox Run and National Cancer Society's Relay for Life Run.

Bursa Malaysia continued its philanthropic donations to the community according to the Community Investment Guidelines set-up in 2007. The Guidelines highlight that each contribution should aim to directly benefit the community and, wherever possible, be given to grassroots ownership projects.


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