Bursa Malaysia
Annual Report 2014
b. Meeting allowance for each Board or Board Committee
meeting attended by a NED
Meeting allowances for Board and Board Committee meetings as
approved by the Board in 2012 remain the same as follows:
Meeting Allowance for Board of Directors Board Committees
The meeting allowances also apply to ad-hoc Board Committees,
the Tender Evaluation Committee or any management committee
to which the NEDs are invited pursuant to the Company’s policy
and procedures.
In addition, members of the Regulatory Committee who are not
Directors of Bursa Malaysia have been paid a monthly fixed
allowance of RM1,000 since 2010, so as to retain and motivate
qualified individuals to serve in view of the duties, responsibilities
and time commitments expected of them.
c. Benefits-in-kind and Emoluments
NEDs are not entitled to participate in the Share Grant Plan (SGP)
of Bursa Malaysia or any incentive plan for employees of the
Group. They are given other allowances, such as travelling and
mobile phone allowances. The Chairman is also provided with a
monthly fixed allowance, which was revised from RM50,000 to
RM52,000 effective 1 January 2014 in view of his wide-ranging
scope of responsibilities and the fact that he does not serve on the
boards of any other PLC or market participant regulated by Bursa
Malaysia so as to avoid conflict of interest.
The Executive Director/CEO is not entitled to the above Director’s
fee nor is he entitled to receive any meeting allowance for Board
or Board Committee meetings he attends. The CEO, who also
serves as Chairman of Yayasan Bursa Malaysia, Bursa Malaysia
Derivatives Berhad and Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Clearing
Berhad, and as Director of all other subsidiary companies within
the Group, is also not entitled to Director’s fees for attending Board
The CEO’s remuneration package comprises a fixed component
which includes a monthly salary and benefits-in-kind/emoluments,
such as gratuity, a company car, driver and leave passage; and a
variable component which includes short-term incentives in the
form of a performance-based bonus and long-term incentives in the
form of shares under the Restricted Share Plan and Performance
Share Plan of the SGP (Plan Shares), where applicable. The award
of Plan Shares to the CEO in 2014 had been announced via Bursa
LINK on 31 March 2014 and 1 July 2014.
In addition to the above, the Directors have the benefit of Directors
& Officers (D&O) Insurance in respect of any liabilities arising
from acts committed in their capacity as D&O of Bursa Malaysia.
However, the said insurance policy does not indemnify a Director
or principal officer if he or she is proven to have acted negligently,
fraudulently or dishonestly, or in breach of his or her duty or trust.
The Directors and principal officers are required to contribute
jointly towards the premium of the said policy.
Disclosure of each Director’s remuneration, including that of the
CEO, is set out in the Annual Audited Financial Statements of this
Annual Report.
3.1 Annual Assessment of Independence
The Protocol sets out policies and procedures to ensure the
effectiveness of the Independent NEDs on the Board, including
new appointments. The Board, through the NRC, annually assesses
the independence of NEDs using the Directors’ SPA under the BEE.
This is in line with Recommendation 3.1 of the MCCG 2012, as
one of the factors in determining the NEDs’ eligibility to stand for
Based on the above assessment in 2014, the Board is satisfied
with the level of independence demonstrated by all the NEDs and
their ability to act in the best interests of the Company during
deliberations at Board meetings.
With regard to the five Independent NEDs who are eligible to stand
for re-election at the forthcoming 38
AGM (as mentioned under
Section 2.2.a.ii of this CG Statement), the NRC is satisfied that
they are independent of management and free from any business
or other relationships which could interfere with their exercise
of independent judgement, objectivity or ability to act in the best
interests of the Company. The Board, therefore, recommends and
supports their proposed re-election in accordance with Article 69
and Article 76 of the AA.
3.2 Tenure of Independent Director
The Board has implemented a nine-year policy for Independent
NEDs, in line with Recommendation 3.2 of the MCCG 2012. The
Directors among the first batch of Independent NEDs of the
demutualised Bursa Malaysia had already retired on a gradual
basis at the 35
and 36
AGMs to enable the progressive refreshing
of the Board in line with best CG practice.
9 Information on the composition, number of meetings held and attendance of meetings of the Board and all Board Committees is set out under Section 4.1 of this CG Statement