Bursa Malaysia
Annual Report 2014
We will continue to review and enhance these tools and
mechanisms to address new and increasingly sophisticated cyber
iii. Talent Management Risk
In 2014, we undertook several initiatives to ensure accelerated
growth in behavioural, technical and functional competencies
with an emphasis on increasing our employee value proposition
and motivating our employees. These initiatives included:
• Embarking on a Senior Leadership Development Programme
to harness leadership capability and groom future leaders
for mission critical positions;
• Introducing the Individual Development Plan/Programme
to equip our employees with the necessary behavioural,
technical and functional competencies to increase
the capacity and productivity of the talent within the
• Performance improvement planning to help identified
employees attain the desired level of performance and
behaviour; and
• A Bursa Malaysia-wide team building programme for all
employees to internalise our core values, instil behavioural
values and develop a strong commitment towards making
Bursa Malaysia a High Performance Organisation.
iv. Competition Risk
In order to maintain Bursa Malaysia’s competitive position, we
have established a Blueprint to guide us in our journey to become
Asia’s Leading Marketplace. We have identified various initiatives
in our 2014-2016 strategy to enable Bursa Malaysia to:
• Stay relevant in a more competitive environment;
• Leverage our strength and infrastructure to facilitate capital
market development and capture new opportunities; and
• Tap regional growth through alliances and collaborations.
Counterparty Credit Risk
Bursa Malaysia has set in place robust risk management
processes and procedures to manage counterparty/settlement
risks and prevent any systemic impact on the market. In the
area of managing counterparty/settlement risks, Bursa Malaysia
Securities Clearing Sdn Bhd and Bursa Malaysia Derivatives
Clearing Berhad act as the clearing houses for equities and
derivatives trades, respectively. These processes and procedures
of the clearing houses are in line with the Principles for Financial
Market Infrastructures issued by the Committee on Payment and
Settlement Systems, Technical Committee of the International
Organisation of Securities Commissions, which include the
• Daily mark-to-market positions, initial and variation margin
requirements and collateral management;
• Monitoring capital requirements and adequacy;
• Managing credit exposures via price, trading, single client,
equity and position limits;
• Monitoring monthly the financial health of the clearing
settlement banks via the risk weighted capital ratio and
credit ratings. The concentration risk is also monitored
based on the Trading Clearing Participant’s (TCP) or Clearing
Participant’s (CP) total trade settlements with the relevant
clearing settlement banks;
• Maintenance and stress-testing the adequacy of the Clearing
Guarantee Fund (CGF) and the Clearing Fund for equities and
derivatives trading, respectively; and
• Conducting annual default drill exercises by stimulating
default scenarios to test the effectiveness of the Default
Management Procedures.
In 2014, there were no settlement defaults by any TCP or CP and
neither the CGF nor the Clearing Fund was called upon.
We will continue to review and enhance the above processes and
procedures in accordance with best practices and standards to
ensure they are viable and robust.
vi. Market Regulation Risk
The discharge of our regulatory functions ensures that our
market continues to operate in an orderly and fair manner with
sound investor protection. In regulating the market we adopt a
five-pronged approach comprising development, supervision,
engagement, enforcement and education. We also adopt a risk-
based approach in regulating the market and seek to ensure
that the key risk areas are identified, monitored and managed
7. Performance Measurement
Key Performance Indicators, which are based on the Corporate and
Divisional Balanced Scorecard approach, are used to track and
measure staff performance.
b. Yearly employee engagement and customer satisfaction surveys are
conducted to gain feedback on the effectiveness and efficiency of
stakeholder engagement for continuous improvement.