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Bursa Malaysia

Annual Report 2014


8. Staff Competency

Hiring and termination guidelines are in place while training and development

programmes are conducted to ensure that staff are kept up to date with

the necessary competencies to carry out their respective duties towards

achieving the Group’s objectives.

9. Conduct of Staff


Bursa Malaysia’s corporate culture is founded on the following core

values which are continuously inculcated in staff in their service to

Bursa Malaysia and its stakeholders:


– uilding Relationships


– nited to Achieve


– esponsibility


– implicity


– gility

b. A Code of Ethics is established for all employees, which defines the

ethical standards and work conduct required at Bursa Malaysia.


Bursa Malaysia has a Whistleblower Policy and Procedures (WPP) to

provide an avenue for staff or any external party to report any breach or

suspected breach of any law or regulation, including business principles

and the Group’s policies and guidelines, in a safe and confidential

manner. An employee who makes a report of improper conduct in good

faith shall not be subject to unfair dismissal, victimisation, demotion,

suspension, intimidation or harassment, discrimination, any action

causing injury, loss or damage or any other retaliatory actions by

the Company. The AC has the overall responsibility in overseeing the

implementation of the WPP for Bursa Malaysia Group.

d. A Securities Transaction Policy is established to govern the securities

transactions of the Group’s staff. The policy prohibits employees from

using unpublished price sensitive information obtained during the

course of their work for personal gain or for the gain of other persons.

Employees (including principal officers) are also not allowed to trade

in the securities of Bursa Malaysia during the closed period, which is

30 calendar days preceding the announcement of Bursa Malaysia's

quarterly and annual financial results.


A Corporate Fraud Policy is established to aid in the detection and

prevention of fraud and to promote consistent organisational behaviour

and practices.


A Confidentiality Policy is established for the management, control

and protection of confidential information used by the Group to avoid

leakage and improper use of such information.

g. Management and employees at Grade E6 and above are required to

annually declare and provide an update on assets acquired or disposed

during the year.


h. Segregation of duties is practised whereby conflicting tasks are

assigned to different members of staff to reduce the scope for error

and fraud.

10. Insurance

Sufficient insurance coverage and physical safeguards on major assets are

in place to ensure the Group’s assets are adequately covered against any

mishap that could result in material loss. A yearly policy renewal exercise

is undertaken by Management to review the coverage based on the current

fixed asset register and the respective net book values and “replacement

values”, i.e. the prevailing market price for the same or similar item, where

applicable. The underwriter also assists by conducting a risk assessment,

which helps Bursa Malaysia to assess the adequacy of the intended

coverage. There is also a yearly exercise to ensure adequacy and renewal of

the Group’s professional indemnity insurance coverage.


Pursuant to paragraph 15.23 of MMLR, the External Auditors have reviewed this

Statement for inclusion in the 2014 Annual Report, and reported to the Board that

nothing has come to their attention that causes them to believe that the Statement

is not prepared, in all material aspects, in accordance with the disclosures

required by paragraphs 41 and 42 of the Statement on Risk Management and

Internal Control Guidelines for Directors of Listed Issuers, nor is the Statement

factually inaccurate. This Statement was approved by the Board on 29 January

2015. GIA has reviewed this Statement and reported to the AC that, while it has

addressed certain individual lapses in internal control during the course of its

internal audit assignments for the year, it has not identified any circumstances

which suggest any fundamental deficiencies in the Group’s internal control and

risk management system.


The Board is of the view that the system of internal control and risk management

is in place for the year under review, and up to the date of approval of this

Statement, is sound and sufficient to safeguard the Group’s assets, as well as

the shareholders’ investments, the interests of customers, regulators, employees

and other stakeholders.

The Board has received assurance from the CEO and CFO that the company’s

internal control and risk management system is operating adequately and

effectively, in all material aspects, based on the framework adopted by the Group.