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Bursa Malaysia •

Annual Report 2015

At the 38


AGM held on 31 March 2015, the Chairman briefed

members, corporate representatives and proxies who were

present of their right to speak and vote on the resolutions set out

in the Notice of 38


AGM dated 3 March 2015. This is in line with

Paragraph 7.21(A)(2) of the MMLR for promoting participation of

members through proxies.

Commencing with the 35


AGM held on 29 March 2012, Bursa

Malaysia removed the limit on the number of proxies to be

appointed by an exempt authorised nominee with shares in the

Company for multiple beneficial owners in one securities account

to allow greater participation of beneficial owners of shares at

general meetings of the Company. The AA of the Company further

entitles a member to vote in person or by corporate representative,

proxy or attorney. Essentially, a corporate representative, proxy or

attorney shall be entitled to vote both on a show of hands and on

a poll as if they were a member of the Company.

In line with Section 145A of the CA, the AA of the Company has

been amended to allow for the use of technology to facilitate

shareholders’ participation at general meetings.

8.2 Encourage poll voting

In line with international best practice in CG, voting at the 38


AGM held on 31 March 2015 was conducted by poll, instead of

by a show of hands. Poll voting more accurately and fairly reflects

shareholders’ views by ensuring that every vote is recognised,

in accordance with the principle of “one share one vote”. The

practice thus enforces greater shareholder rights, and allows

shareholders who appoint the Chairman of the Meeting as their

proxy to have their votes properly counted in the fulfilment of

their voting rights.

In accordance with Article 54 of the AA, the Chairman of the

Meeting exercised his right to demand a poll with respect to all

resolutions which were put to vote at the 38


AGM as set out in

the Notice of 38



Voting slips for the 38


AGM were issued by the Share

Registrar upon registration, and were pre-printed with details of

shareholder’s name, identity card number/company number and

number of shares held. The polling process for the resolutions

was conducted upon completion of deliberation of all items to be

transacted at the 38



Article 55 of the AA allows poll voting to be conducted manually

using voting slips, or electronically using various electronic

voting devices, for the purpose of more efficiently determining

the outcome of resolutions.

The 38


AGM was adjourned for the Poll Administrator, Tricor

Investor Services Sdn Bhd to commence the poll vote count,

where the votes as cast on the voting slips were input for

computation using an electronic system. The results of the poll

were verified by the Scrutineers, EY. The meeting resumed and

the results of the poll for each resolution, including votes in favour

and against, were announced by the Scrutineers, upon which the

Chairman declared whether the resolutions were carried. The

poll results were also announced by Bursa Malaysia via Bursa

LINK on the same day for the benefit of all shareholders. Minutes

of the 38


AGM were also made available on Bursa Malaysia’s


8.3 Effective communication and proactive engagements

At the 38


AGM, the 10 Directors, with the exception of Tan Sri

Ong Leong Huat @ Wong Joo Hwa who retired at the 38



were present in person to engage directly with shareholders,

and be accountable for their stewardship of the Company. The

proceedings of the 38


AGM included the CEO’s presentation of

the Company’s operating and financial performance for 2014,

the presentation of the external auditors’ unqualified report to

the shareholders, and a Questions & Answers session during

which the Chairman invited shareholders to raise questions

pertaining to the Company’s financial statements and other

items for adoption at the meeting, before putting a resolution

to vote. The Directors, CEO, Management and external auditors

were in attendance to respond to the shareholders’ queries. The

CEO also shared with the shareholders the Company’s responses

to questions submitted in advance of the AGM by the Minority

Shareholder Watchdog Group.

Shareholders were also invited to submit any additional questions

they might have had via an enquiry box placed at the venue of the



AGM so that these could be responded to in writing after the

meeting. Officers of the Company were present to handle other

face-to-face enquiries from shareholders.


This Statement on the Company’s CG practices is made in compliance with

Paragraphs 15.25 and 15.08A of the MMLR.

The Board is satisfied that in 2015, the Company fully complied with the

principles and recommendations of the MCCG 2012.

This Statement was approved by the Board on 2 February 2016.