Corporate Governance Statement

The Board of Directors of Bursa Malaysia presents this statement to provide an insight into the Corporate Governance (CG) practices of the Company under the leadership of the Board.

In building a sustainable business, and discharging its regulatory role, the Board is mindful of its responsibilities to the shareholders and various stakeholders. This statement demonstrates the Board’s commitment to cultivating a responsible organisation by instilling corporate conscience through excellence in CG standards at all times.

    • 1.1  Clear Functions of the Board and Management
    • The Board is responsible for oversight and overall management of the Company. In order to ensure the effective discharge of its function and responsibilities, it has established a Governance Model for the Group where specific powers of the Board are delegated to the relevant Board Committees1 and the CEO, as depicted below.

All subsidiaries of Bursa Malaysia have fully adopted the Governance Model of Bursa Malaysia Group except for Bursa Malaysia Derivatives and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Clearing which have adopted two Governance Committees, and the applicable Regulatory Committees.
Board Committees comprise three Governance Committees and five Regulatory Committees as set out in the Governance Model of Bursa Malaysia Group
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