Corporate Sustainability Statement

Bursa Malaysia is committed to upholding the tenets of corporate sustainability and to continue creating long-term value for all our stakeholders. By infusing the highest standards of corporate governance into our businesses and balancing good economic performance with responsible social and environmental performance, we aim to stand out as a model for responsible corporate behaviour for our marketplace. Through regular and comprehensive stakeholder engagement activities, we are ensuring that key sustainability issues are addressed so that our marketplace grows profitably in a responsible manner.


Walking Our Talk

Our statutory duty as a frontline regulator and market operator is to ensure the sustainability of our capital markets. We are committed to operating and maintaining a fair, transparent and orderly market with prudent risk management. We endeavour to build a market that is liquid, of high quality and integrity, as well as with competitive products and services, whilst developing an informed investing and trading community. By advocating corporate governance and sustainability best practices among public listed companies and implementing these throughout the length and breadth of our organisation, we have been diligent in ensuring that we ourselves “walk our talk”.

Fostering Responsible Corporate Practices

Over the course of 2013, we engaged in numerous strategic marketplace activities to reinforce the importance of sustainable practices. To promote corporate governance best practices among directors and practitioners, we issued the second edition of the Corporate Governance Guide - Towards Boardroom Excellence, and launched the Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control - Guidelines for Listed Issuers. We also conducted sustainability awareness and sustainability reporting sessions for directors and practitioners.

Bolstering Our Market Ecosystem

We intensified efforts to improve our market’s ecosystem by launching a new trading engine called Bursa Trade Securities 2 (BTS2) and introduced initiatives that promoted self-regulation among securities brokers such as the Green Lane Policy. We also amended certain rules to enhance existing products and services such as business trusts and Shari’ah-compliant stapled securities as well as enabled the introduction of new ones such as Exchange Traded Bonds & Sukuk and the Gold Futures Contract. We also enhanced Regulated Short Selling and Securities Borrowing and Lending to facilitate better price discovery. To continue building an informed investing and trading community and to enhance our marketplace reputation, we undertook initiatives such as Invest Malaysia, Invest ASEAN, the Palm and Lauric Oils Conference & Exhibition Price Outlook and the Workshop@Bursa. The CBRS Research Scheme and our Investor Relations newsletter, Bursa Bytes, too serve as opportune platforms to keep our audiences abreast of marketplace developments. The year saw us supporting industry initiatives such as the National Annual Corporate Report 2013 Awards, The Edge Billion Ringgit Club Award 2013, ACCA Malaysia Environmental & Social Reporting Awards 2013, the ACCA’s Integrated Reporting Forum and the Star Outstanding Business Award 2013.

Strengthening Our Sustainability Framework

In strengthening our own sustainability practices, we continued to update our Legislation Compliance Register to include new laws and regulations including the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 as well as published our standalone Sustainability Report 2012. We also continued to educate our employees on the aspects and impact of both corruption and integrity as well as focused our efforts on strengthening our procurement processes.

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