Regulatory Statement

Bursa Malaysia has an obligation to ensure our markets operate in a fair, orderly and transparent manner. Being the frontline regulator of the Malaysian capital market, we are committed to discharging our regulatory role in a manner that is effective, balanced and independent. In 2013, we continued to undertake and discharge our regulatory role to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, an orderly and fair market underpinned by adequate levels of investor protection. We continued to adopt a five-pronged approach in regulating the market namely through regulatory development, supervision, engagement, enforcement and stakeholder education. Our regulatory policy and supervisory approaches are regularly assessed to ensure effectiveness and efficiency.


Bursa Malaysia has in place a comprehensive and effective regulatory and supervisory framework to regulate the market and its participants. We continuously develop and fine-tune our rules to ensure that they are effective and promote efficiency and growth in the market. The year saw us refining the rules primarily to enhance the regulatory framework and cater to existing product and service enhancements as well as new products and services. Some of the key changes made were a revamp of business rules, changes to the listing requirements in relation to business trusts, stapled securities and shortening of the timeframe for issuance of annual reports. We also made changes to the derivatives exchange rules to facilitate the launch of Gold Futures Contracts as well as implemented changes to the depository rules for sending of eStatements, among other communications, to depositors.


The trading landscape has evolved significantly over the years for both the equities and derivatives markets, and these markets on the whole have been operating in a fair and orderly manner. We take various regulatory actions when trading concerns are detected, depending on their severity and scale. Where there are breaches of our rules or securities laws, regulatory actions can range from engagement with the brokers, issuance of unusual market activities (UMA) queries, market alerts, and designation or referral to the relevant parties, including the Securities Commission. We take a proactive stance in engaging with brokers individually to highlight unacceptable trading practices and good trading practices.

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