Bursa Malaysia
Annual Report 2014
We also embarked on several initiatives to enhance the management of cyber
threats, namely:
Issuing guidance notes to brokers on managing the risks of cybercrime and on
enhancing the resilience of their networks
b. Developing an inspection programme to assess and review brokers’ measures
to combat cybercrime/cyberattacks
Conducting continuous engagements and advocacy efforts to increase
awareness of these matters
Enforcement of the Listing Requirements and Business Rules is necessary to
secure market integrity and uphold investor protection. In initiating enforcement
proceedings, due process is undertaken to give defaulting parties the opportunity
to explain their actions prior to determination of breach and appropriate sanctions.
Where a breach is determined, sanctions are imposed appropriate to the nature,
circumstances and severity of the transgression, taking into account the character
and background of the defaulting party and any mitigating or aggravating factors.
Possible sanctions include public/private reprimands, fines, suspension or striking
off. Our focus is always on ensuring an adequate level of investor protection and
deterring violations through enforcement actions.
In 2014,a total of 78 enforcement actions (reprimand and above) were taken against
21 listed issuers and 38 directors of eight listed issuers for various breaches of the
Listing Requirements. As part of enforcement, we also issued directives against
the defaulting parties including, where relevant, directives for directors to undergo
mandatory training as well as for errant listed issuers to conduct limited reviews
on quarterly reports.
As a result of our regulatory and enforcement activities, we noted a declining trend
of more than 60% in the number of delays in submission of financial statements
and in the deviation of financial figures reported (i.e. profit and loss) between
audited and unaudited accounts since 2008.
A total of 44 enforcement actions (reprimand and above) were taken against
brokers, their key personnel and dealer representatives for various breaches of
the Business Rules, which included market offences or trading related breaches
(for which enforcement actions were taken against 14 Dealer’s Representatives
(DRs). In an effort to improve the conduct of errant DRs, we also issued directives
for mandatory training requirements when misconduct showed ignorance or lack
of understanding of the rules and requirements, similar to the approach under the
Listing Requirements.
In 2014, the functions of the Capital Market Education & Integrity Fund (CMEIF)
Committee were subsumed under the Regulatory and Conflicts Committee (RACC).
The CMEIF consists of all the fines imposed by Bursa Malaysia and its subsidiaries
and transfer fees collected, and does not form part of Bursa Malaysia’s revenue.
The CMEIF may only be utilised for, among others, education/advocacy programmes
with the aim to elevate standards of CG, disclosure and business conduct as well
as matters relating to the capital markets, including investing knowledge for our
market participants and investors.
In 2014, 62 advocacy programmes were conducted for Directors of listed issuers,
Chief Financial Officers, Chief Risk Officers, internal auditors, company secretaries
and brokers. These programmes were well-attended by 3,389 participants
representing 942 PLCs and 49 brokers (equities and derivatives).
“We see regulatory strength as a strong
value proposition for our markets”
• 99.5% timely submission of financial
• Improved scores in ASEAN CG
Scorecard ratings from 62.3 in 2012 to
71.7 in 2013
• Analysis of Corporate Governance
Disclosures in annual reports showed
high level of adherence to the Listing
• Efficient capital raising for secondary
fund raising- comparable with other
• Trading remained fair and orderly
• No industry-wide breaches of our
business rules
• Our brokers’ Capital Adequacy
Ratios are well above the minimum