Bursa Malaysia
Annual Report 2014
In 2014, we continued to offer eligible employees long-term incentives as part of
our retention strategy. Employees were granted restricted shares in the Restricted
Share Plan according to their performance rating and grade entitlement. These
restricted shares will be vested progressively over a period of three years, with
the value received depending on the movement in the share price over that time.
The participation rate for the scheme in 2014 was 99%, an increase over the
previous year. Selected senior level employees were also awarded performance
shares in the Performance Share Plan. These will be vested after three years, and
are contingent upon Bursa Malaysia’s achievement of a set of challenging long-
term performance conditions. The value received depends on the achievement of
Return on Equity and total shareholder return targets, thus aligning the interests
of employees of the shares with the interests of our shareholders.
In 2014, with the implementation of a new behavioural competencies model,
Group Human Resources (GHR) focused its efforts on ensuring that employees
attained the competencies required to succeed in their respective jobs.
To this end, GHR rolled out a comprehensive development programme structured
to enhance employees’ competencies and to ensure they possess the knowledge
and skills required of their various positions.
To create awareness of the new behavioural competencies and to establish a
common platform among staff, Bursa Malaysia embarked on a teambuilding
programme to introduce the new competencies.The programme, known as ‘Bursa
Amazing Race 2014’, is a core training programme that cuts across all categories
of staff from all divisions. Its aim is to foster teamwork and collaboration, and to
develop leaders among high achievers.
In 2014, supervisors working closely with GHR played a more active role in
learning and development by creating opportunities in the workplace for their
staff to apply lessons learnt through their development programmes. A post-
training feedback/evaluation was also put in place to gauge the effectiveness of
the learning and development programmes in meeting business needs.
To ensure that supervisors have the necessary skills to develop their staff,
managerial skills programmes were introduced at each supervisory level,
with emphasis on those transitioning into a management role. These training
programmes focus on coaching and mentoring skills, as well as needs analysis,
and are a continuation of programmes offered in 2013.
Recognising the value of a knowledge-based workforce, in 2014 Bursa Malaysia
invested RM1.4 million in the development of its staff, with an average of four
learning days recorded per employee.
We also make available our Knowledge Centre to both staff and the general public
for research purposes. The Knowledge Centre is a rich source of information on
capital market-related subjects and is easily accessible.
Finally, Bursa Malaysia also nurtures future leaders by providing learning
opportunities for fresh graduates to acquire knowledge and exposure to the
working environment. Accordingly, we actively support the Skim Latihan
1Malaysia programme and its goal of improving the employability of graduates.
In securing our organisational goals and objectives, we must not lose sight of the
importance of a healthy work-life balance, which is essential for our employees’
wellbeing and also contributes to a more productive workforce. Encouraging our
employees to cultivate a healthy lifestyle has always been our priority, and to this
end we have made available various sporting facilities, including squash courts, a
fully-equipped gymnasium and a multi-functional court for our employees to use
during lunch breaks and after working hours. Moreover, we organise wellness
campaigns throughout the year, with nutritionists and other experts providing
health tips, health screenings and health education to participants.
Bursa Malaysia also supports several celebrations throughout the year to foster
camaraderie, instil a spirit of togetherness and recognise the hard work and
contributions of employees. The Company also organises an Annual Dinner each
year which is a much anticipated affair, the Treasure Hunt ‘Feisty Pirates’ held
in Penang, and the Family Carnival. Thematic dress-down Fridays are also held
throughout the year, with such themes as ‘Footie-licious Friday’, ‘Merdeka Friday’
and ‘Bursa goes Bollywood’.