Bursa Malaysia
Annual Report 2014
As a frontline regulator and a market operator, we are
responsible for ensuring the sustainability of our capital
markets. We are committed to building a quality market
that is liquid,while offering a diverse range of competitive
products and services. We are also committed to robust
investor protection and a high standard of integrity. We
promote CG and sustainability best practices to all our
listed issuers, and require the same of ourselves.
To further facilitate CG and sustainability best
practices, we:
Introduced the Best Practice Guide for Independent
Conducted various advocacy programmes for directors and practitioners of
listed issuers to improve the quality of the Board of Directors, CG disclosure, risk
management and internal control practices; and
Supported industry initiatives such as The Edge Billion Ringgit Club Awards 2014,
The National Annual Corporate Report Awards (NACRA) 2014,The ACCA Malaysia
Sustainability Reporting Awards (MASRA) 2014 and The Star Business Awards
In 2014, the following initiatives were undertaken to improve the market ecosystem:
Enhancement of the Bursa Trade System 2 (BTS2) with new features and
introduction of ASEAN Post Trade services for trades executed on the ASEAN
Trading Link;
Revamp of the participantship structure for the Derivatives Market to create a
single trading right for all classes of products. We also introduced an Error Trade
Policy for the Securities Market and increased stocks available for securities
borrowing and lending (SBL);
Issuance of a new framework for opening trading and securities accounts for
retail and institutional investors through electronic mediums which offers
greater flexibility to Participating Organisations of Bursa Malaysia Securities and
Authorised Depository Agents of Bursa Malaysia Depository. We also enabled
a seamless registration process for registering individuals such as Dealer’s
Representatives, Futures Brokers Representatives and Directors of Brokers to
further improve efficiency and time to market;
Launch of the USD-denominated Refined Bleached Deodorised (RBD) Palm Olein
Futures Contract, MyETF MSCI Malaysia Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), launch of
the enhanced 5-year Malaysian bond futures (FMG5) and issuance of our third
ETBS by DanaInfra;
Launch of BursaMKTPLC, an online platform developed in collaboration with our
broker partners that provides rich market information to all. The objective of the
portal is to enhance financial literacy among retail investors with a particular
focus on youth. To engage with the youth, we initiated online games, such as
Fantasy FTBL. TRADR Challenge and The Great Bursa Bull Hunt;
Holding of our inaugural Gold and Precious Metals Price Outlook Symposium for
retail investors,and our first ETFs and SBL Conference to share insights into global
practices and trends.We also organised other programmes including Spotlight on
Malaysia, Invest Malaysia, Palm and Lauric Oils Conference and Exhibition Price
Outlook, Workshop@Bursa, Derivatives Day, Breakfast with BMD and a Dealer
Engagement Session. Moreover, we supported various industry initiatives such
as the IFN Asia Forum 2014 and the World Islamic Banking Conference – Asia
Summit 2014.
Launch of the FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia (F4GBM) Index,our first Environmental,
Social and Governance (ESG) Index, after a series of engagements with our listed
issuers to educate them on ESG and FTSE’s methodology.
To strengthen our sustainability practices, we:
Revised our Guidelines for Handling Conflict of Interest and the Checklist,
amended our Contract Management Guidelines and issued a Capital Market
Education and Integrity Fund Authority and Guidelines Manual;
Rolled out Phase 1 of the Customer Relationship Management System to
establish a new process for efficient stakeholder engagement and management;
Continued to report on our sustainability practices in our standalone Sustainability
Report 2013, on the basis of which we ranked 55 among the top 100 companies
in Asia in Channel NewsAsia’s Sustainability Ranking, maintained our 4
in the Asian Corporate Governance Association Corporate Governance Watch
2014 Report and is included in the F4GBM Index.