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Page Background ABOUT US Vision & Mission Our Reports 02 Our Strategic Intents THE YEAR IN BRIEF 03 Our Performance 04 Financial Highlights 06 Economic Value Created for Shareholders 07 Awards and Recognition 08 Peer Comparison 09 Bursa Malaysia, the Preferred Partner for Fundraising 10 The Values that We Create 12 Market Highlights 14 Market Performance FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT 16 Chairman’s Letter to Shareholders 20 Board of Directors’ Profiles 26 Chief Executive Officer’s Message and Management Discussion and Analysis 44 Management Committee/Senior Management TO OUR STAKEHOLDERS 46 Corporate Sustainability Statement 52 Marketplace Report: Fair and Orderly Market



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GOVERNANCE 60 Corporate Governance Statement 83 Statement on Internal Control and Risk Management 90 Audit Committee Report 96 Corporate Information - Group Corporate Structure - Other Corporate Information FINANCIAL REPORTS 99 Directors’ Responsibility Statement 100 Directors’ Report 104 Statement by Directors 104 Statutory Declaration 105 Independent Auditors’ Report 107 Income Statements 108 Statements of Comprehensive Income 109 Statements of Financial Position 111 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 113 Statement of Changes in Equity 114 Statements of Cash Flows 116 Notes to the Financial Statements ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 198 List of Properties 199 Statistics of Shareholdings 208 Additional Compliance Information Disclosures 209 Notice of 39 th Annual General Meeting 212 Statement Accompanying Notice of 39 th Annual General Meeting

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